How to de-stress your home.
Have you ever thought about how your environment is feeding into your stress?
Ok so let’s get real for a second. You wake up late, tear apart your closet. Forget washing dishes, you’re just thankful you had enough time to rummage through the fridge. You get home from a stressful day only to be greeted by the laundry piles of dirty clothes and the stench of garbage that has been piling up in your kitchen for weeks. It feels like your house (and your dog) is pulling at you for some love but all you want to do is kick up your feet and order skip the dishes… sound familiar? We’ve all been there.

The hard truth is, when you take a look around you will quickly begin to notice how your external environment purely reflects your internal environment. Just as your body’s absorb food, it’s important to realize that your body also absorb it’s environment.
I know, sounds like a weird concept but it’s true! Just stop and think about it for a second. Image having a jam packed day, running around and barley having time to sit. The demands of the world are building and that moment you walk into your home it’s CLEAN. Your heart rate starts to go down and you catch your breath. You tell yourself “alright, I got this”.
That my friends is a perfect example of how the environment that you are absorbing helps create a sense of peace and tranquility when it is in order.
I know it can feel like the last thing on the planet that you want to do but there is so much power in creating an environment that aligns with where you want to be.

For some, even the act of cleaning can start bringing down the stress. It also comes down to the way you look at it. It can seem like another stressor that’s adding to your day but in reality, 1 minute here, 5 minutes there can make a huge difference on how your home looks.
Some of these may seem obvious but hey, sometimes ya just need a little reminder when moms not around!
Create a chore list/routine
Make your bed in the morning
Put things back right away after you’re done using it
Make a home for every object you own.
Use a laundry basket
Wash your dish after using it/ put in dishwasher
Hang up clothes/jacket
Utilize drawers and cupboards
Clean as you are cooking
Wipe down countertops
Dedicate 1 day to do floors/deep scrub.
Go to bed earlier/wake up earlier to give yourself time to not feel rushed.
With the changes of seasons dedicate a day to de clutter and deep clean (throw away old clothes junk drawer etc..)
I have full belief that you can tackle this! It will truly take a load off and help restore that inner zen. Get ready to turn your living space into the safe haven you’ve been desiring! You got this :)