Food For The Female Menstrual Cycle
I’m sure by now you’ve recognized some patterns in your body. Some weeks you may find yourself feeling on top of the world, more slim, and healthy. Other weeks you may feel as though sugar and carb cravings are through the roof or like you are a bottomless pit who could eat 9 meals in one sitting. These feelings and cravings don’t just happen by chance. Each week you experience these shifts as a result of the female mensural cycle.
The female menstrual cycle has four phases. Mentruation, Folicular, Ovulation, and Luteal. In each stage your body is changing drastically. Hormones in your body are fluctuating up and down, resulting in mood swings and cravings. Some might view this as a negative thing but the truth is that this is such a beautiful way your body communicates with you. The intense cravings, bloating, acne or PMS can be drastically shifted by the way you nourish your body through food and supplements. Here is a guided list to give you some ideas on what is happening in each stage and how you can best support your unique needs.
Shedding of the uterine lining resulting in a period. At this stage, progesterone and estrogen peaks and drops. Focus on warm foods rich in Iron, vitamin C and Zinc. These will replenish the body from its lost minerals. During menstruation many women have intense cravings for sugar, carbs, salty, and junk food. It’s important to limit these. Salt will encourage bloating and water retention. Avoid greasy and processed food to prevent cramping. Having hot, cooked meals, fermented, and sprouted foods will make it easy for your body to digest. Specifically focus on anti-bloating foods.
Food List
Dark leafy greens, broccoli, beets, kidney/white beans, pumpkin seeds, lentils, sweet potato, brown rice, yogurt, protein (plant or animal), hardy stews and soups, turmeric and ginger.
Shots of 100% tart cherry juice to help with bloating. Replace coffee/caffein for herbal tea, drink lots of water, turmeric and ginger tea.
Magnesium supplements for cramping, Iron, Vitamin C, Zinc, Turmeric / ginger capsules to help with bloating and inflammation, maca powder/pills to balance hormones.
Hormone levels are still low. You will begin to slowly feel them rise as you gradually feel more energized though the week. Add light and colourful foods to replenish lost minerals and eat fermented foods. Stick to more raw veggies, high protein and fat foods! This is a perfect time to detox your body or incorporate new health goals as cravings will go down.

Food List
Sauerkraut, kimchi, pickled foods, vibrant fruit and veggies, salads, raw veggie Buddha bowls, salmon, avocado, flaxseeds.
Shots of 100% tart cherry juice, lemon water, smoothies, fresh juices, apple cider vinegar shots before bed, detox teas, kombucha.
Chlorophyll, probiotics, maca powder/pills to balance hormones.
Your egg will release and you will be feeling friskier! Good time to get things done, most energized (and sexually charged because your body is looking to get that egg fertilized). You will feel more confident, and long to socialize. This phase you will have the highest levels of estrogen meaning its the perfect time to detox excess hormones and eat liver supporting foods.
Food List
Eggs, kale, radish, brussels sprouts quinoa, fruits and veggie, papaya, berries, whole grains, sesame seeds/tahini.
Shot of 100% cranberry juice, detox teas, lemon water, apple cider vinegar before bed, smoothies, green juices.
Phase before your period. The unfertilized egg drops along with our hormone levels. We will feel slowly begin to feel more emotional (PMS), brain fog, breakouts, and our cravings for carbs, alcohol, and sweets will be heightened. Bloating is also common so eat foods that bust the bloat. Be sure to eat foods high in fiber, magnesium, calcium, and B-Vitamins. Blood sugar levels are highly sensitive at this stage so its important not to skip meals. Try eating light but often! Eating cooked meals will help with bloating.
Food List
Dark chocolate, turmeric and ginger, brown rice, protein (animal or plant), cucumber for water retention, starchy veggies like pumpkin, squash, sweet potato, quinoa, brown rice.
Peppermint tea, turmeric latte or tea, shots of 100% cranberry juice to help flush excess hormones and hormone mimicking toxins.
Maca powder/pills to balance hormones and increase energy, spirulina, magnesium, B-Vitamins, calcium, ashwagandha for stress.
At the end of the day, you know your body better than anyone else. Listen to it’s beautifully unique needs every week to give you insight on how to best care for yourself. Remember to love your body in every phase. The moments you feel on top of the universe and the weeks you feel bloaty and emotional. Your body hears your thoughts so make them kind. Give yourself grace, and know that us ladies are all in this together <3